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Jerseys Pub

Michael Henry's CHI

How It Really Works

How can you:
  • Make money with no effort on your part
  • Grow a community base
  • Enhance your customer's experience
  • Enhance your web presence

Advertise with Vend-a-BizWhat we have is a machine that dispenses business cards.

Our business model is: "Putting these machines in public spaces, diners, movie theaters, retail stores, and paying those companies "rent" to do this. We collect a fee from advertisers in those machines.

The overall machine is: 2’-6” wide and
2 ’- 0 ” high. Each machine is composed of 20 individual machines measuring 6”x6”.

The overall machine can be either wall mounted or be set on a stand. I have included an artist rendering of the overall mac hine, as well as a rendering of the individual machine for clarity.

On top of the machine will be a sign indicating ‘Support Your Local Business!’ , and verbiage that indicates a portion of the rent for this machine will go to ... (a charity of your choosing). The proposal to the companies we are installing the machines at is that we will donate a portion of the rent (a minimum of 5%) to a charity of their choosing in their name.

Also on the top of the machine will be a QR code. When a customer "snaps" the QR code iwth thier smart phone, they will be brought to a web page. On that web page will be all twenty advertisers, the host company (you), Vend-a-Biz and the charity. This will enchance your web presence, show your charitable side and when the advertisers become your customers, you grow your customer base.

We can discuss the particulars of what you would need from us as well as our expectations. WE would also discuss the benefits of the QR code, the advertisers, and more!

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Build a Local Business Community - Draw Business & Earn Residual!

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Low Monthly Advertising Costs, As low as $25/Mo!
Huge Audience Base!

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Run Your Own Business - Low Start-up Cost with a Great Earnings Potential!

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